Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Doing a 330-lb. Bench Press

Bridging (or arching) your back during bench presses will give you better leverage. There is a reason for this. The strength you gain from bridging or arching will "spill over" to your strict lifts. What you do with a strict lift will never "spill over" to a heavier bridge lift.


  1. Very impressive. I have been told time and time again that arching your back when pressing heavy weights is dangerous.

    However, the body naturally wants to assume this position. I like light heavy weights, too. So, you don't see any problems arching your back?

  2. Bench Press seems be a quit effect exercise in my case. Btw you have a great blog.

  3. I allways say " i do today what you won't so tomorrow i can do what you can't" fhsupps.com

  4. Well done sir. I guess you made all age-related excuses invalid now. Could you explain the moves you make on the beginning on the video? I've never seen anyone doing it before. Is it a part of preparation for a bigger weight?

  5. I can say "well done" ... it's a really good result ... continue in the same spirit
